Ugly Black Streaks On The Roof!

Does your roof seem to be covered in black streaks? Is there slippery moss in certain areas of your roof? Maybe you have even entertained the thought of having your roof replaced. It might seem like the logical solution to get rid of all that moss and mold. Take a deep breath,  a simple roof washing might actually save you from spending thousands of dollars on a roof.
But what are those streaks anyway? The moss and streaks that are on many neglected roofs are from a bacteria called gloeocapsa magma. Gloeocapsa magma will flourish in moist, shady places that have a consistent food supply. The bacteria cling onto the roof and feed on the lime in the asphalt shingles. As the bacteria grow over time they continue to eat away at the lime while multiplying and creating that streaked look on your roof. Though the bacteria do eat at the shingle it would takes some time for it to compromise the integrity of your shingles. Don’t assume since you have these streaks that you need a new roof, a quick application of a fungicide will do the trick in killing this bacteria.

The Solution!

We use a faster commercial approach, and professionally mixed soaps, but cleaning your roof can be done efficiently with some products found in your home. If we didn’t have access to our commercial equipment, and tools this is how we might approach cleaning the roof. First before getting started make sure you are competent in ladder safety, and local regulations regarding working on or around your roof. A-Plus is only offering suggestions, and cannot be held responsible for a lack of preparation, and carefulness on your part. Please seek out the help of a competent professional if you feel this might be to much for you, or you are not in the proper physical condition to complete this work. A-Plus is not liable for any injuries or damages regarding these suggestions.

  1. We would have another person available to foot the ladder while we were working
  2. We would make sure we had the appropriate chemical gloves, respirator, goggles, and clothing according to local regulations
  3. After becoming competent in ladder safety, we would lean a ladder against the roof line in front of the gutters
  4. Using a weed sprayer filled with household bleach we would begin to saturate the moss and lichens (never walk on the roof while spraying as the roof may be slippery). Most weed sprayers will be able to reach a good distance when the tip is opened enough to spray a stream. If the sprayer cannot reach all the moss, you may need to hire a professional.
  5. Don’t rinse the bleach off, but let it soak into the moss and black streaks.
  6. The moss will turn white indicating it has died, the black streaks will slowly disappear.
  7. We would apply bleach with the sprayer until all of the areas were covered, and then repeat the application process until all the black streaks had disappeared.
  8. The moss will come off with weather and rain usually between 1-3 months time.

If you feel you have special needs or that your roof might actually need to be changed hire a competent professional to assess your situation. We are not responsible for rendering advice as each individual home may have specific needs. Never attempt to walk on your roof, or clean the mold from the roof. Use this advice at your own risk.

Thank you for reading!

Michael Stephens
A-Plus Professional Window Cleaning & Pressure Washing