What season is best to have your windows cleaned you ask. Eeny meeny miny moe! Well since we are here in the Northeast we have 4 seasons to choose from, NY window cleaning is a little different than down south 🙂 From Brewster, to Armonk, to Yorktown Heights, to Hopewell Junction A-Plus will boldly say there is no season better than any other season for local window cleaning services. Windows cleaned in the winter with freezing temperatures and snow on the ground stay clean the same amount of time as windows cleaned on a hot summer day in Somers, NY. Windows cleaned in Armonk in the spring will stay clean just as long as a fall window cleaning in Poughkeepsie, NY. Well how long should my windows stay clean for? You should have good clarity on your glass for about three months, and over that period they will slowly build up a layer of dirt. That’s when you can give us a call to clean them again. Four cleanings a year is the best plan to maintain the aesthetics and integrity of your windows.